HES Code - Bera Hotel

HES Code

1. What is the HES Code? The HES codes you share can be queried through the application or through the services provided to the institutions. This code only serves to reduce the risk of contamination you will encounter during your time in the intercity public transportation vehicles you will use. Covid-19 or our citizens with contact will not be able to use public transportation. It is used to inform you if other people you travel with have a positive Covid-19 test afterwards.You have all the management of the HES codes you produce. You can share or delete your HES codes as long as you want.

2nd. How do I get the HES code? T.R. Identity Number, T.C. By writing the last 4 digits of the ID Serial Number and the sharing time (in number of days) and sending an SMS to 2023, the persons whose TR ID number starts with 97, 98, 99 By writing HES and leaving a space between them; T.R. by writing identification number, year of birth and sharing time (in number of days) and sending an SMS to 2023, With passport information for persons who do not have an Identity or Foreign Identity (starting with 99,98,97) Number; You can send an SMS to 2023 by typing HES and leaving a space between them, respectively, by writing Nationality, Passport Serial Number, Year of Birth, Surname, • You can get it via e-Government. You can generate, delete, query and view the details. You can generate the HES code for your children under the age of 18 through e-Government.

3. How do I use it? The HES code created is transmitted to the relevant company, institution or person and it can be inquired whether the person carries a disease risk or not. Institutions or individuals can query the HES codes you have shared, whether you are at risk for Covid-19. Likewise, you can query the HES codes shared with you on the application and see the risk status of the people.

4. What is the HES Code Used for? The shared company or institution queries the health status of the person with the HES code, if there is a risk, travel or visit is not approved • For example, by plane, train, bus, etc. You will share your HES code before starting your trip. Through shared HES codes, it will be possible to question whether all passengers carry the risk of Covid-19 and the travel of risky people will be prevented. In this way, you will be able to protect your health • Also, if you have traveled with people who do not carry any risk during the trip but whose risk situations occur afterwards within 14 days, you will be contacted and health and guidance services will be provided.

5. Is it safe? You are in control of the HES codes you produce. You can share or delete your HES codes for as long as you want. HES codes are unique codes specially produced for you. The control and management of the HES code is entirely in your hands. You can create and delete different codes that are unknown to anyone, unique to each share, instead of an unchanging number such as the TR ID Number. You can set time limits on your HES codes, so you can control the shares even if you forget them. In addition, thanks to the HES code, you will not have to share personal data such as identification number with anyone else.